Education Plan BD

The United Kingdom stands as a premier choice for education, boasting a dynamic system and renowned universities, alongside a superior quality of life and promising prospects for the future. It is undeniably one of the most sought-after destinations for studying globally.

Study in United Kingdom?

Quick Facts

Learn from some of the world’s best academics and experts in some of world’s most prestigious universities and benefit from their exceptional academic support. Study alongside some of the finest and brilliant minds and hone your skills using state-of-the-art technology. Avail placements, internships and volunteering positions that are your right fit through strong industry links of UK universities and apply your knowledge and skills in a real-world professional environment. Graduate with skills and expertise that are in high demand around the world and get hired by your dream employers.

Cost of Education in UK

Types of ExpensesAnnual Expenses in GBP
Tuition Fees for one-year (Indicative)*14000
Living and Accommodation9207
Visa Fees363
Immigration Health Surcharge/National Health Surcharge705
Airfare from India to United Kingdom500
Total Expenses24775

Universities And Institutes

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2690 Hiltona Street Victoria Road, New York, Canada

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2690 Hiltona Street Victoria Road, New York, Canada

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